All you need to know about Apollo 11 Space Mission

Apollo 11 Space Mission

This was the first human campaign to land on the Moon. It was the fifth human flight of the Apollo Expedition and the third human flight to the Moon. The ship, launched on July 16, 1969, went to the commander Neil Armstrong, the control vehicle driver Michael Collins and driver Edwin Aladrine. On July 20, Armstrong and Aldrin became the first humans to step on the moon.
This campaign had completed the human dream of the American President on moon in the 1960's. It was one of the most important moments of the 20th century.

Astronauts: Neil Armstrong -2 Space Tourism, Commander Michael Collins-2 space travel, control vehicle driver Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin - 2 space travel, moonlight driver

Alternative Traveler: James Lovell - Jennifer 7, Gemini 12, Apollo 8, flight of Apollo 13, Commander Bill Anders - flight to Apollo 8, control vehicle driver Fred Haise - Flight in Apollo 13, Moonlight Driver

Apollo 11 launches

Apart from the 10 million people who were on highway near the highways, launch site, 60 crores of people saw this launch on their TV, which was a key figure of their time. US President Nixon saw this on the TV from the White House's Oval Office.
Apollo 11 was launched from Saturn 5 rocket at Kennedy Space Center on July 16, 1969 at 9.22 in the morning. He entered the Earth's orbit 12 minutes later. After another half revolution of the Earth, the rocket of SIVB III stage put it on the path towards the Moon. After 30 minutes, the main control vehicle separated from the last stage of the Saturn 5 rocket and left towards the moon with the moonlight.

Armstrong gave the name of the land of Apollo 11 to the location of the tranquilite base and sent a message to Houston "Hoston, this is a Tranquility base, Eagle has landed!" Aldrin delivered the message before launching the outer activities of the vehicle by descending from the vehicle. "I am the driver of moon. All the people who are listening to this broadcast, wherever they are, please also request that they remain silent for a moment and observe the events in the last few hours and thank them (God) for their purpose".

At 2.56 a.m. on July 21, after six and a half hours after the moon landed on the moon, Armstrong kept his hand on the moon and said This small step of human beings is a huge leap of humanity. (That's a small step for (a) man, a huge leap for humanity)

Aldrin came with him and said: Beautiful beautiful, vast deserted place (Beautiful. Beautiful Magnificent desolation) Armstrong and Aldrin have to take pictures for the next two and a half hours, digging deeps and depositing samples and depositing stones.

On July 19, Apollo 11 reached the moon's orbit with the help of an ignition of the moon and reached the moon. In the next few revolutions of the Moon, the travelers inspected the landing place of Moonlight. The "Sea of ​​Tranquility - Sea of ​​Tranquility" was selected for landing because it was a flat place. This information was given by Rangers 8, Surveyor 5 and Lunar Arbiter Vehicle.
When the Apollo 11 was in the opposite direction from the Moon on July 20, 1969, the Moon, which was named Eagle, separated from the main vehicle (whose name was Columbia). Collins who were now alone in Columbia, were observing the Eagle moon that they had not suffered any harm. Armstrong and Aldrin strained the engine of the eagle and gradually gathered the vehicle on the Moon. As soon as the process of landing of the vehicle began, Armstrong sent a signal to move away from the path of the vehicle. The eagle was 4 seconds ahead of its determined path, which meant that they would meet the fixed place.

Moonlight control and guided computer started giving signals of danger, from which Armstrong and Aldrin were busy looking out of the window; The focus was on the computer. Campaign controller Steve Bells in the campaign control center in Houston, NASA, instructed the director of the campaign that it is safe to remove the vehicle because of the danger signal, because the computer is just giving the information because it has more work but nothing has happened to the vehicle.

Armstrong's attention now went out of the vehicle, he saw that the computer was taking the vehicle towards big cat near a big crater (crater). Armstrong took control of the automated system in his hand and with the help of Aldrin, on July 20, at 8 o'clock at night, eagle was eclipsed on the surface of the moon. At that time the fuel engine left only 15 seconds of fuel.
Signs of computer threat were so that he was unable to complete his work in the given time. It was taking too much time to calculate, while the Yan coming down from his speed was giving him new figures. Apollo 11 had landed on the moon with such low fuel, but it was found that the threat was threatened as it was the result of less gravity of the Moon.
Armstrong gave the name of the land of Apollo 11 to the location of the tranquilite base and sent a message to Houston.

After this he started preparations for the installation of the EASEP-Early Apollo Scientific Experiment Package and the flag of the American flag. For this, they took more than two hours fixed. In spite of the technical constraints and bad weather after the preparations, all the world began a live telecast of the Moon surface, which was white, which was seen by at least 60 crores of people.
In addition to meeting President Kennedy's dream, it was also examining an engineering skill of the Apollo campaign. Armstrong took a picture of the moon which could be examined after landing on the Moon. After this he took some samples of dust, soil and kept in his pocket. Armstrong took a look around the TV camera.

Aldrin came up with him and kept moving around taking a jump like kangaroo. Both of them later told that they had to plan ahead with the six-and-a-half step movements. The fine dust was slippery.

Both of them waved the American flag on the moon, then President Nixon spoke on the phone. After that he established the EASEP. After that both are busy taking pictures and submitting samples.

Back to Home

Aldrin came back to Eagle earlier. Together, both of them carried boxes of 22kg samples and a film with the help of a flute in the vehicle. Armstrong was then left in the yacht. After bringing Moonlight's life-saving environment, he released his shoes and backpack discounts. After that he went to sleep

After seven hours of sleep, the Hospice Center awakened them and asked them to prepare for the trip back. After two and a half hours, at 5.54 in the evening, he drove the eagle's mounting engine. His colleague Collins was waiting for him to control the moon in the orbit of the moon. After two and a half hours on the moon's surface, they came on a lot of surface on the Moon surface, leaving a plate on the American flag and stairs. On this plate was the picture of the earth, the signature of the astronauts and the President and a sentence. This sentence was At this place, the Earth Planets keep their first steps. We came here for peace of humanity. (Set Foot Upon the Moon, July 1969 A.D. We Came in Peace for All Mankind.)

After joining the eagle Columbia, the journey of Earth started again. On July 24, Apollo 11 returned to Earth. Vehicle was taken from USS Hornet in the Pacific Ocean. President Nixon himself was present in the ship for his reception. Passengers were kept separate for a few days. This moon's dust was used to prevent the spread of any unknown suspected parasite from the spread of the earth's atmosphere. Later, the apprehension became clear. August 13, 1969 Astronauts came out.

On the same evening, a feast was made for the honor of the passengers in Los Angeles, which included members of the American Congress, 44 lawmakers, chief judges and ambassadors of 83 countries. Travelers were awarded the "Presidiatial Medal of Freedom" by the US highest honor. On September 16, 1969, three passengers addressed to the American Congress. The main control room of this trip is kept at the National Air and Space Museum in Columbia, Washington. An interesting fact related to this campaign is that the message given by President Nixon in the event of a disturbance was kept ready. After the transmission of this message the contact with the moon would be broken and a priest was about to pray for the peace of his soul.

Until next time.

Take Care
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