How to Make Money in Stock Market by Analyzing the News ? 3 of 3

4. Understand why things are changing

Whats driving the news? Is is affecting or being affected by another category you're monitoring? If not should you begin monitoring other related categories?

You should make sense in monitoring or it will be of no use. Classify positive news differently from negative news to make it easier to distinguish the direction of trends.

This brings to my final point.

5. Translate the news into an Opportunity profile

Monitoring news for dangers, opportunities, and trends is the payoff.

News that car owners are keeping their vehicles longer and driving them more miles per year, might encourage someone in the automotive after care market to expand business and promotion.

The point is this : somehow you must translate the news into an opportunity profile in order to make money by analyzing the news.

With the help of this you may choose to be contrarian and do the opposite.

Before closing........

For millennia, mankind has been using oracles, prophets and signs to answer the question  "Whats going to happen ?" Monitoring the news is a sure way to answer this question.

An American writer once wrote, "The only sense that is common in the long run is the sense of change"....

Society learns through the news, and eventually changes occur. Anticipate the change and you can be the first in line.

Hope you liked the points discussed.

In case you didn't read the first 2 articles, do read it Here 2 and here here 1.

Until next time with another master topic, do take care of yourself and your loved one's. 

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